Are you selling through various e-commerce channels? Do you handle incoming orders from Allegro, Amazon, eBay and other external sources? Do you use several shipping companies, wholesalers, SMS applications, etc.? Do you use the BaseLinker system? Do you handle your invoices, quotes and warehouse online in aleFaktura? Today your browser application for businesses aleFaktura can be integrated with BaseLinker. Check out what the integration is all about!

  1. Integration with BaseLinker - how much does it cost?
  2. What is the integration of aleFaktura with BaseLinker?
  3. How to run BaseLinker integration in aleFaktura?
  4. Configure integration with BaseLinker
  5. Order statuses in aleFaktury vs. order statuses in BaseLinker.
  6. Launching the integration

Integration with BaseLinker - how much does it cost?

The aleFaktura application is available in four packages: Green, Silver, Gold and Platinum. The packages differ in the available functionalities and are designed to meet the needs of companies not only of different sizes, but also with different modes of operation.

The Green package designed for the smallest companies is available for free without any time restrictions. Do you issue up to 10 invoices per month? Avoid unnecessary costs! Use aleFaktura Green.

The most extensive aleFaktura Platinum package allows you to, among other things:

  • issue an unlimited number of invoices
  • issue an unlimited number of offers
  • handling orders
  • managing any number of warehouses
  • printing receipts on fiscal printers
  • integration with BaseLinker system.

Compare aleFaktury package prices!

What is the integration of aleFaktura with BaseLinker?

Integration of aleFaktura with BaseLinker involves importing orders from the BaseLinker system to aleFaktura and further processing those orders in the online application. The integration also enables the transfer of information about paid orders between systems. It is also possible to send packages directly from aleFaktura, export orders from aleFaktura to the BaseLinker system and send stocks of a selected aleFaktura warehouse to the BaseLinker system.

How to run BaseLinker integration in aleFaktura?

Have you decided to go with aleFaktura Platinum? You have access to BaseLinker integration in the package! To set up the integration on the aleFaktura side, expand the menu available from the user level:

User -> Settings -> Integrations -> BaseLinker

Configure integration with BaseLinker

To configure integration with BaseLinker, follow these steps:

  1. To use BaseLinker integration, check the Enable service option.
  2. enter your BaseLinker integration key in the Key field. You received this key from the BaseLinker system manufacturer. 3) In the Warehouse field, you select the warehouse you want to connect to BaseLinker.
  3. then (as required) you can check the options:
    • Export orders
    • Send inventory.

In the BaseLinker warehouse ID field, enter the ID of that warehouse from BaseLinker that you want to integrate with aleFaktura. If you don't remember the IDs of your warehouses in BaseLinker, just click the button: Download warehouses from BaseLinker.

Order statuses in aleFaktury vs. order statuses in BaseLinker.

In the aleFaktury app, orders can have specific statuses. Users of the app cannot add their own statuses. Unlike aleFaktura, in BaseLinker users create their own order statuses themselves. The next step necessary for BaseLinker's integration with aleFaktura to work properly is to assign statuses from BaseLinker their counterparts from aleFaktura. This matching of statuses is called mapping.

Don't remember the statuses you created in BaseLinker ? Don't worry. Download them with one click. Select the button: Download statuses from BaseLinker.

Remember to click the Save button after completing all the necessary fields.

Launching the integration

aleFaktura provides for the possibility of manually triggering integration synchronization with BaseLinker, however, you do not need to use this tool. The application periodically calls the synchronization of your orders and inventory.

Want to know more about aleFaktura's capabilities? Check out what else the system allows.

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